- Oliver Bittel, Deep Reinforcement Learning und Mobile Robotik. Bericht über das Forschungssemester WS 2021/22, 2022. (PDF-File)
- Blaich, M., Rosenfelder, M., Schuster, M., Bittel, O., and Reuter, J. Extended Grid Based Collision Avoidance Considering COLREGs for Vessels. In 9th IFAC Conference on Manoeuvring and Control of Marine Craft, 2012.
- Blaich, M., Rosenfelder, M., Schuster, M., Bittel, O., and Reuter, J. Fast Grid Based Collision Avoidance for Vessels using A* Search Algorithm. In 17th International Conference on Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics (MMAR), Miezyzdroje, 2012.
- Oliver Bittel and Michael Blaich, Mobile Robot Localization Using Beacons and the Kalman Filter Technique for the Eurobot Competition, International Conference on Research and Education in Robotics, Eurobot 2011, Springer Communications in Computer and Information Sciences, Vol. 161, 2011.
- Matthias Greuter, Michael Rosenfelder, Michael Blaich and Oliver Bittel, Obstacle and Game Element Detection with the 3D-Sensor Kinect, International Conference on Research and Education in Robotics, Eurobot 2011, Springer Communications in Computer and Information Sciences, Vol. 161, 2011.
- Valentin Durst, Daniel Hagel, Jan Vander, Michael Blaich and Oliver Bittel, Designing an Omni-Directional Infrared Sensor and Beacon System for the Eurobot Competition, International Conference on Research and Education in Robotics, Eurobot 2011, Springer Communications in Computer and Information Sciences, Vol. 161, 2011.
- Jakob Raible, Michael Blaich, and Oliver Bittel, Differential GPS supported navigation for a mobile robot, Proceedings of the 7th IFAC Symposium on Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles (IAVĂ•10), Lecce, Italien, September 2010. (PDF-File)
- Jens Hensler, Michael Blaich, and Oliver Bittel, Improved Door Detection Fusing Camera and Laser Rangefinder Data with AdaBoosting, Springer Communications in Computer and Information Sciences, Vol. 129, 2010.
- Julian Hirt, Dominik Gauggel, Jens Hensler, Michael Blaich, and Oliver Bittel, Using Quadtrees for Realtime Pathfinding in Indoor Environments, International Conference on Research and Education in Robotics, Eurobot 2010, Springer Communications in Computer and Information Sciences, Vol. 156, 2011. (PDF-File)
- Jens Hensler, Michael Blaich, and Oliver Bittel, AdaBoost Based Door Detection for Mobile Robots, ICAART 2010 - Proceedings of the International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence, Volume 1 - Artificial Intelligence, Valencia, Spain, January 22-24, 2010. INSTICC Press 2010, ISBN 978-989-674-021-4. (PDF-File)
- Jens Hensler, Michael Blaich, and Oliver Bittel, Real-time Door Detection Based on AdaBoost Learning Algorithm, Research and Education in Robotics - EUROBOT 2009, Springer Communications in Computer and Information Science, Vol. 82, 2010, ISBN: 978-3-642-16369-2. (PDF-File)
- O. Bittel, M. Blaich und K. Kischlat, Autonome Kartenerstellung für Gebäuderäume mit einem mobilen Roboter, HTWG Forum - Forschungsmagazin der Hochschule Konstanz, 2009. (PDF-File)
- O. Bittel, Roboterfußball - Ein studentisches Projekt im Studiengang Technische Informatik, FHK-Journal, 2005. (PDF-File)
- O. Bittel and N. Niklasch, Aiding GPS with Neural Network Calibrated Loran-C, 1st ESA Workshop on Satellite Navigation User Equipment Technologies, NAVITEC 2001, Noordwijk, Holland. (PDF-File)
- O. Bittel, M. Fritz, T. Rosin and F. Schnürle, Aufsammeln von Cola-Dosen mit einem mobilen autonomen Roboter, Interner Bericht, FH Konstanz 2001. (PDF-File)
- A. Kleiner, B. Sharp and O. Bittel, Self Organizing Maps for Value Estimation to Solve Reinforcement Learning Tasks, 2nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, ICEIS 2000, England. (PS-File)