
A C D E F G H I L M N O R S T V Z 
All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Serialized Form


add(Rational) - Method in class Rational
Returns a Rational whose value is (this + r).


compareTo(Rational) - Method in class Rational


denominator - Variable in class Rational
The denominator part of the rational number.
divide(Rational) - Method in class Rational
Returns a Rational whose value is (this / r).
doubleValue() - Method in class Rational


equals(Object) - Method in class Rational


floatValue() - Method in class Rational
FORMAT - Static variable in class Rational
formatTo(Formatter, int, int, int) - Method in class Rational


gcd(long, long) - Static method in class Rational
Computes the greates common divisor using Euclids algorithm.
getDenominator() - Method in class Rational
Returns the denominator part of the reduced rational number.
getNumerator() - Method in class Rational
Returns the numerator part of the reduced rational number.


hashCode() - Method in class Rational


intValue() - Method in class Rational
invert() - Method in class Rational
Returns a Rational with numerator and denominator swapped.


longValue() - Method in class Rational


main(String[]) - Static method in class RationalTest
Evaluates an arithmetic postfix expression with rational numbers.
MAX_VALUE - Static variable in class Rational
The largest positive value of type Rational, Integer.MAX_VALUE.
MIN_VALUE - Static variable in class Rational
The smallest positive nonzero value of type Rational, 1 / Integer.MAX_VALUE.
multiply(Rational) - Method in class Rational
Returns a Rational whose value is (this * r).


negate() - Method in class Rational
Returns a Rational with inverted sign.
numerator - Variable in class Rational
The numerator part of the rational number.


ONE - Static variable in class Rational
The number 1 as Rational.


Rational - Class in Unnamed Package
A rational number, stored as numerator and denominator integer pair.
Rational(long, long) - Constructor for class Rational
RationalTest - Class in Unnamed Package
Test driver.
RationalTest() - Constructor for class RationalTest


signum() - Method in class Rational
Returns the signum function of this Rational.
subtract(Rational) - Method in class Rational
Returns a Rational whose value is (this - r).


toString() - Method in class Rational
Returns a string representation of this Rational.


valueOf(int) - Static method in class Rational
Converts an integer to a rational number.
valueOf(int, int) - Static method in class Rational
Rational number with numerator n and denominator d.
valueOf(String) - Static method in class Rational
Converts a string to a rational number.


ZERO - Static variable in class Rational
The number 0 as Rational.
A C D E F G H I L M N O R S T V Z 
All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Serialized Form